
Department of Civilizations Studies

Name Of The Deparment

Department of Civilisational Studies is one of the leading departments of Darul Huda Islamic University. The Depa- rtment started functioning from 2020 onwards aiming at the critical inquiry into the foundations of social science th- eories and releventization of Islamic schools of thoughts in the age of Anthropocene. The Department emphasizes intellectual independence and social change initiatives by promoting alternative discourses grounded in Islamic va- lues and engaging with contemporary knowledge practices. Our department is meant to foster students’ perception of Islamic civilization, its philosophy, origin and developme- nt, major elements that shaped It and its significant contributions to the humanity, irrespective of religious, cultural and geographical differences. This department intends to introduce Islam to the students as a civilizational mission for the humanity based on the Quranic verse: “You are the best community that has been raised up for mankind,” (3:110) , thusinculcating that Islam is a universal worldview and a system of living that enjoins justice, morality, dignity, security and prosperity to the whole humanity.

Phone : 0494-2463155, 0494-2460575


Pallath Shameerali Hudawi

HoD, Dep. Civilizational Studies

Tel : +91 9605546404 ,

Email : shamiralip@gmail.com, shameerali@dhiu.in

Courses : 

1-Orientalist scholarship on Islamic civilization 

2- Islamic Law and society in the Muslim world 

3- Post colonial and decolonial studies 
4- Contemporary Islamic thought

 Dr. Rafeeq Hudawi Karimpanakkal


Tel: 9746036038

Muhammed Swalih Hudawi

Coordinator for the students affairs

Office Tel: (+91) 9061786183


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