
VC's Message

Assalamu alikum wrt. wbt.

warm greetings from Darul Huda Islamic University!

DHIU was founded in 1406 H/ 1986 at Malappuram, Kerala, first as an Islamic academy aiming to produce a new generation of Muslim scholars capable of bearing the privileged responsibility of Islamic propagation in modern era. It was later upgraded to a private Islamic University status with international recognition from various Islamic university boards.

DHIU creates an academic and intellectual environment where Islamic religious education and modern forms of knowledge are integrated and applied together based on the contextual needs. Through rigorous and continuous training (tarbiyah) and good scholarship teaching (ta’līm), it aims at better understanding of Islam from its cultural and civilizational dimensions. This process is reflected in shaping scholars who are grounded in Islamic tradition and conversant to the modern currents which shape the human understanding of the world. It ensures the act and practice of propagation (da’wah), through advancement of academic excellence in integrated learning, teaching, research and publications. Moreover, engaging with social endeavors like upbringing minority community through education, empowerment of women, enhancement of mutual understanding among people of different religions, ideologies, cultures, nations, and sects are among its outreach activities. To make its graduates bright in all such activities, DHIU has adopted a comprehensive curriculum which is comprised of both religious and secular subjects, giving them a robust theoretical and practical foundation in whatever they perform.

We are really honored and proud to have been a torchbearer of an integrated education system at least in South Indian context by making an impact among the community within a short span of time. Alhamdu lillah! After 11 years of its foundation, various institutions all over the state came forward to get affiliated with Darul Huda. Meanwhile, this Islamic seminary covered a new milestone in its journey when it started National Institute for Islamic and contemporary studies (NIICS).Its main purpose was a systematic expansion of the educational transformation process outside Kerala, by actively involving underprivileged Muslim community all over India. As its first practical step, Darul Huda started its own off campuses in Andhra Pradesh (2008), West Bengal (2010), Assam (2014), and Karnataka (2016) respectively.

At present, there are 24 affiliated colleges across Kerala, two colleges in Karnataka, one in Maharashtra besides five off campuses in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Assam and West Bengal. All these institutions are following the same curriculum of DHIU, imparting free education to around 8500 students across India. After its upgradation to a private Islamic University status, DHIU now holds the membership of Federation of the Universities of the Islamic world, Morocco and League of Islamic Universities, Cairo. DHIU has also been recognized by various national and international universities by signing MoU with universities across the world including International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), University of Al-Qarawiyyin, Morocco, Kuwait Islamic University, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University of Brunei, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan, and Tripoli University, Libya.

In addition, DHIU runs many types of educational institutions like Fathima Zahra Islamic Women’s College, Sayed Alawi Mouladdaweela Hifzul Qur’an College, Centre for Fatwa and Research and Centre for Public Education and Training (CPET) fulfilling the community needs and maximizing their access to an integrated education system. Currently there are around 5000 students pursuing their academic dreams under these streams The graduates of DHIU, known as Hudawis, have been proving their potential in different ways through their active involvement in every walk of life. For instance, Hudawi’s Association for Devoted Islamic Activities (HADIA), the alumni union of DHIU, is active in research, higher education, teaching, da’wa activities, Mahallu empowerment, and community leadership. The list goes on. HADIA has been keeping in track with DHIU to engineer the community through a Centre for Social Excellence (CSE). Its intellectual and material backup is all upon Hudawis who are around 2500 in number.

As an institution with a mission and vision, DHIU is committed to lead a social transformation within the community, by serving them for the sake of God, not compromising to the principles and traditions. May Allah include us in his pious servants, Ameen.

Looking forward to welcoming you to Darul Huda Islamic University.

With Regards,

Prof. Dr. Bahauddeen Muhammed Nadwi,
Vice Chancellor, DHIU, Kerala, India

Office of VC


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